
Hi, I’m Scott.

I’m from a small coastal village in the North East of Scotland and have lived in this area for all of my 22 years, and having just graduated from university, I’m ready to take the next step.

Everyone who’s heard enough stories about wanderlust just skip this bit, but for the rest – read on!

Like many, I’m excited by the world beyond my own back garden and have been dreaming off the day when I finally go out and see it for myself (instead of online or via the tellie). Which is why, a few months ago, I decided that I’d hit the road and go travelling (and avoid all this full time job and grown-up malarky). I figure that if I don’t do it now then I likely never will, or I’ll save it for retirement when I’m too old to get travel insurance for anything cool…

So I’ll use the mighty forum of WordPress to keep my family and friends posted along the way, let everyone know I aint dead yet, and also use this blog to document the entire experience for the benefit of those who are yet to join me or who are already on the road.

42 thoughts on “About

  1. Caro says:

    Such exciting project…go well!

  2. Hey Scott! Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for following my blog. You will have a fantastic time in Australia (and NZ if you get there). They are both incredible countries, and if you need any tips feel free to get in touch. I’ve seen quite a bit of both of them.

  3. jgmycroft says:

    Awesome stuff!! Where in Scotland were you? I was in Aberdeen for a year studying. Looking forests to reading about your own adventures abroad

  4. Emma Windsor says:

    Hiya Scott….thank you for the follow on my Izabel Goulart blog…xx

  5. Uncle Spike says:

    So you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers Scott…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through β€˜comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input πŸ™‚

    Have a great old day…


  6. mindroamer says:

    Thanks for following my blog.
    I went on holidays to scotland last summer.
    Had great time over there.
    It is a really beautiful country.
    Aberdeen unfortunately I have not seen.
    Maybe next time…
    Looking forward to read your future posts.

  7. chirose says:

    Thank you for the follow..!!!

  8. jenevievechapman says:

    Hi Scott, thanks for following my blog πŸ™‚ I just read about your trek in the harsh Peruvian winter and it made me shiver! Beautifully written and it sounds like a great adventure. Enjoy Oz too. It’s a wonderful country… πŸ™‚

  9. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations, Scott!

    I have nominated your blog for the Most Influential Blogger Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Most Influential Blogger Award, thank you Horty!

  10. elmcal says:

    What you’re doing is so cool. I always wanted to go to South America. I hope you’ll have an awesome time there! And thanks for liking my poem.

  11. heapsosheeps says:

    Sweet blog! Thanks for stopping by mine, and good luck with your time in Australia! If you’re still writing on Peru as well, I’d love to see some name-dropping – I am bound and determined to get my butt on that trail and enjoyed reading about your adventures there.

  12. Hi Scott,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day; and for opting to ‘Follow’.
    I’m glad it led me back here; I look forward to exploring your blog as well. πŸ™‚


  13. annetbell says:

    What a fun blog. I look forward to hearing about your travels! Thanks for the like on my little blog. Indian is an incredible place to visit! 😎

  14. Edey says:

    This will change your life, if it hasn’t already! All the best to you in your adventures…HAPPY SAFE TRAVELS!!

  15. If you plan to come to Southeast Asia, drop by Singapore, I’ll take you around Scott!

  16. leamuse says:

    While I’ve read the story many times, I read yours as well as each is a bit different. You are wise. Don’t postpone joy and don’t wait for tomorrow as we each only have today. Enjoy each and every moment. I believe you will have a wonderful adventure. Let me know if your path leads you down to the Cathar region in France!
    Thanks for choosing to follow one of my blogs. I do hope that you will continue to enjoy the posts.
    Bon courage et bonne chance!
    BTW, while I haven’t been to Scotland, my grandfather was in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders if that rings a bell? πŸ™‚

  17. Fabuleuse πŸ™‚ Travel as far as your heart may take you, taste everything even if it smells wierd or strange, capture as much as you can through the lenses, and write that book !! All the best for a remarkable journey and thank you for dropping by

  18. Hi, Scott, (love that name, I have a brother named Scott)
    Your adventure sounds marvelous! Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog post on my work in progress, The Seekers’ Prophecy.
    Happy adventuring!
    Jane Starwood

  19. Hello Scot, thanks for dropping by at my blog, Three Worlds One Vision.

    I hope that in your travels, you will gain new insights and appreciation for other cultures and peoples.

  20. dscherff2013 says:

    Good for you! So glad to get to follow along on your adventure!

  21. Hi Scott, thanks for the follow, much appreciated πŸ™‚ Stella

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